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Thanks go to those who took part in our annual Award evening, either by entering their work, casting votes or helping with the arrangements. Walter and Nigel have told me there were some beautiful pieces in the gallery – the quality of the turning/ finishing and the artistic flair have really improved, and they felt this year was the hardest competition to select their first choice.
After counting your votes, congratulations went to Ken for winning the Oz Award trophy for 2018, Rob being awarded the second and third place certificates and Jeff for earning the Gordon’s cup.
Thank you again to everyone for taking part and well doneto all those who rose to the challenge.
Thanks go to those who took part in our annual Awardevening, either by entering their work, casting votes or helping with thearrangements. Walter and Nigel have told me there were some beautiful pieces inthe gallery – the quality of the turning/ finishing and the artistic flair havereally improved, and they felt this year was the hardest competition to selecttheir first choice. After counting your votes, congratulations went to Kenfor winning the Oz Award trophy for 2018, Rob being awarded the second andthird place certificates and Jeff for earning the Gordon’s cup. Thank you again to everyone for taking part and well doneto all those who rose to the challenge. | |
Thanks go to those who took part in our annual Awardevening, either by entering their work, casting votes or helping with thearrangements. Walter and Nigel have told me there were some beautiful pieces inthe gallery – the quality of the turning/ finishing and the artistic flair havereally improved, and they felt this year was the hardest competition to selecttheir first choice.
After counting your votes, congratulations went to Kenfor winning the Oz Award trophy for 2018, Rob being awarded the second andthird place certificates and Jeff for earning the Gordon’s cup.
Thank you again to everyone for taking part and well doneto all those who rose to the challenge.